We work across New Zealand and Australia with leadership teams in government, corporate and NGOs to resolve complex problems and inspire purpose-driven change and impact.
Whether it’s online, working with remote audiences or in person we have the technology, experience and processes to help leaders identify problems and collaborate on solutions and engage with their customers and communities
At heart, we guide leaders, teams and organisations to rediscover their purpose, what we call their ‘brilliant core’, and empower them to lead change for impact, within their organisation and beyond.

We love to wrestle with the tough questions to find opportunities that are hidden in plain sight. Our clients say that we translate strategy from the pages of textbooks into the plain language of real life. We agree. We believe every organisation has a ‘brilliant core’, a purpose that gets forgotten in the hurly-burly of daily work. Our approach is to rediscover purpose, reignite the leadership and then realign the organisation to that single-minded vision.
We assist leaders to find their leadership voice, build their collective leadership and their confidence to act, together. More often it’s about leaders engaging contribution across teams, functions and organisations. Empowering leaders to lead is the key.

To achieve genuine change, organisations are best to involve those most affected by it – to help define problems, suggest solutions and form a response that assures impact. Pattillo specialises in engaging with outside stakeholders – be it public, private or communities – to gather insights, create solutions, test ideas and then implement change.